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Khmer Chhankitek Calendar

Transform GREGORIAN calendar’s date into KHMER CHHANKITEK calendar’s date.

Build from source

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How to build


1. Add dependency into project

  1. Apache Maven Project
  2. Gradle Groovy DSL
     implementation 'io.github.metheax:khmer-chhankitek-calendar:1.0.0'
  3. Gradle Kotlin DSL
  4. Scala SBT
     libraryDependencies += "io.github.metheax" % "khmer-chhankitek-calendar" % "1.0.0"
  5. Legacy Java Porject, Imported compiled jar Download khmer-chhankitek-calendar-1.0.0.jar from bin directory then import it into your java project.

    2. Access Chhankitek

    KhmerLunarDate lunarDate = Chhankitek.toKhmerLunarDateFormat(LocalDateTime.of(2021, 5, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0));

    Log lunarDate, it should display ថ្ងៃសុក្រ ២ រោច ខែជេស្ឋ ឆ្នាំឆ្លូវ ត្រីស័ក ពុទ្ធសករាជ ២៥៦៥ in your console. Available properties of class KhmerLunarDate

    dayOfWeek: String // អាទិត្យ, ច័ន្ទ...
    lunarDay: String // ១កើត, ២កើត...
    lunarMonth: String // ចេត្រ...
    lunarZodiac: String // ជូត, ឆ្លូវ...
    lunarEra: String // ត្រីស័ក...
    lunarYear: String // ២៥៦៥, ២៥៦៦...


    If you encounter any issues regarding this project, please create a Github Issue.

Authors and acknowledgment

This library might not exist without hardwork of these people:

  1. Base on algorithm of Mr.Phylypo Tum from Cam-CC
  2. Porting from momentkh by ThyrithSor into Java
  3. Khmer New Year Time Calculation